In her own words, Sherrod Ellen DeGrippo, CEO of racist website Encyclopedia Dramatica, has made it clear that she's likely to face charges and fines for Inciting Racial Hatred. As you read the following passage, keep in mind that it's written by Sherrod under the alias "Joseph Evers":
"...So here’s the deal. This is an initial investigation into charging me, personally, with the violation of Australia’s Racial Discrimination Act. While I act in complete compliance with both the civil and criminal codes of the United States of America, and am assured the right of free speech according to our Constitution I can personally be jailed and fined for the violation of this law. Check out the court precedent they cite, Dow Jones & Co Inc v Gutnick where a United States paper had to pay 580k for publishing an article about a globalized company headquartered in Australia. It's CEO was entirely in compliance with United States civil precedence.
"This isn’t a far-fetched legal theory, they have used it before....My counsel has advised me that I can never under any circumstances visit my family in Sydney again, nor otherwise make any appearances on Australian soil."
So here we have it. Sherrod DeGrippo is hiding behind the name "Joseph Evers" to avoid prosecution. Good luck Sherrod!
Tom Newton
If you would like to see Sherrod DeGrippo jailed, please contact the Australian Human Rights Commission:
Level 8, Piccadilly Tower
133 Castlereagh Street
Telephone: (02) 9284 9600
Complaints Infoline: 1300 656 419
If calling from overseas
Tel: + 61 2 6141 6666 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 61 2 6141 6666 for information on lodging or responding to a complaint
The Commission can also provide more information about the Race Discrimination Act.
tom stop being such a nigger lol
ReplyDeleteNo she won't.
ReplyDelete"Check out the court precedent they cite, Dow Jones & Co Inc v Gutnick where a United States paper had to pay 580k for publishing an article about a globalized company headquartered in Australia. It's CEO was entirely in compliance with United States civil precedence."
ReplyDeletePlease check Full Disclosure for a forthcoming Sherrod DeGrippo exposure.
Thanks for the blog.
ReplyDeleteThis is nuts
ReplyDeleteAlso, on the same mailing list (Full Disclosure), a new Weev infodoc (TM) is imminent. Please standby.
ReplyDeleteWeev is pathetic. What a sick midget.
ReplyDeleteTom Newton
ReplyDeletetom gets 30$ a week to post this crap, OSA told me
ReplyDeleteOne Problem she is a american and is in the usa and australian hate speech laws dont apply there dipshit.,
ReplyDeletewritten by Sherrod under the alias "Joseph Evers":
ReplyDelete"...So here’s the deal. This is an initial investigation into charging me, personally, with the violation of Australia’s Racial Discrimination Act. While I act in complete compliance with both the civil and criminal codes of the United States of America, and am assured the right of free speech according to our Constitution I can personally be jailed and fined for the violation of this law. Check out the court precedent they cite, Dow Jones & Co Inc v Gutnick where a United States paper had to pay 580k for publishing an article about a globalized company headquartered in Australia. It's CEO was entirely in compliance with United States civil precedence.
"This isn’t a far-fetched legal theory, they have used it before....My counsel has advised me that I can never under any circumstances visit my family in Sydney again, nor otherwise make any appearances on Australian soil."
CYBERHATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys wish you were us just having fun! You brag how we have no lifes yet you gossip about us LOL Anonymous is everyone! It can be anyone! I know there are MEAN anons, but that doesn't mean were all mean! If you want to know more