Saturday, December 25, 2010


Thomas Scholl

Thomas Bradley Scholl
Chicago Illinois
Born Jun 8 1980

Thomas Bradly Scholl, of Chicago, is a cyberbully. He was a major instigator in the hateful attacks against eleven year-old "Jessi Slaughter."

Those attacks were laced with pedophilic threats and innuendo, namely the use of the "PEDOBEAR" image. For those who don't know, the pedophile bear character is a man in a costume that rapes children. When children report the rapes, they are not believed because they attribute it to a "teddy bear."

It's sick, I know. It's insanely nasty on so many levels it beggars belief. But back to my original point:


I think it has something to do with the fact that he's cross eyed and fat. Sometimes that's all that takes for a weak loser to be so burdened with envy and resentment that they feel a burning passion to lash back at the society that rejects them.

The Internet gives these creeps just the outlet they need, but make no mistake: the mindset of a cyberbully and the mindset of a mass murderer are virtually indistinguishable. These people literally hate humanity. They enjoy the degradation of all that is good, strong, traditional, etc. They hate and smear anything that's not pornographic.

Just because they find an outlet in cyber attacks doesn't mean they aren't planning to kill innocent people. Think about it. They bully people online, then they play games where they shoot people. And they are massively into porn and share it with eachother, deeming images as "fapworthy" or "fappable." My point here is simple. Do not overlook the threat represented by these degenerates.

Their very lifestyle is focused exclusively on rape, death, and harming innocent people--mostly teenagers and the elderly.

Just look at the damage these people do to innocent people. There's almost nothing more dangerous or volatile than a vindictive nerd on a power trip, and that is what we are dealing with here but on a massive scale. Cyberbully networks such as "Anonymous" pose a far greater threat to the average person than any foreign terrorist groups. They are the ones who will steal your identity, threaten your life, destroy your reputation, and harm your loved ones.

So if you know the whereabouts of Thomas Scholl, I suggest you report him to the local police and let them know that Scholl was part of a cyberbully attack on a young girl and the evidence is posted on his site plainly for anyone to read. I'd also suggest that they search him for automatic weapons and incendiary devices...



  1. "I think it has something to do with the fact that he's cross eyed and fat."
    2 hates.

    "Sometimes that's all that takes for a weak loser to be so burdened with envy and resentment that they feel a burning passion to lash back at the society that rejects them."

    2 hates. Also, that may be so, but I hate it when it's painful to watch someone try to please their parents like this.

    "The Internet gives these creeps just the outlet they need, but make no mistake: the mindset of a mass murderer and the mindset of a cyberbully are virtually indistinguishable. These people literally hate humanity. They enjoy the degradation of all that is good, strong, traditional, etc. They hate and smear anything that's not pornographic."

    Who? Like hateful creeps like you? Oh, no no no, NOT YOU! It couldn't be you that is hateful! You're a good person! You hate people for the right reasons!

    If it weren't for the internet, you wouldn't be able to spew your hateful rhetoric!

    "Humanity" is a mass delusion like "Good and Evil", "Morality", "Nations", "God", "The Family", "Truth", "Reason", "Corporations", "Parties", "Authorities". They are ghosts that haunt your mind, and mask the real domination of everyday life.

    "Just because they find an outlet in cyber attacks doesn't mean they aren't planning to kill innocent people. Think about it. They bully people online, then they play games where they shoot people. And they are massively into porn and share it with eachother, deeming images as "fapworthy" or "fappable." My point here is simple. Do not overlook the threat represented by these degenerates."

    Well, it's a good thing you have those black-uniformed-kidnappers to put things in order.

    "Their very lifestyle is focused exclusively on rape, death, and harming innocent people--mostly teenagers and the elderly."

    What is your lifestyle focused on exclusively?
    Working, Consuming, and Enslaving yourself to ghosts?

    "Just look at the damage these people do to innocent people. There's almost nothing more dangerous or volatile than a vindictive nerd on a power trip, and that is what we are dealing with here but on a massive scale. Cyberbully networks such as "Anonymous" pose a far greater threat to the average person than any foreign terrorist groups. They are the ones who will steal your identity, threaten your life, destroy your reputation, and harm your loved ones."

    When you describe Anonymous as any one way, you create a rift in reality. Anonymous can be loosely described at best as a dynamic fluctuating entity, but that's pretty much it. Any attempts to describe Anonymous come from ideological motivations.

    "So if you know the whereabouts of Thomas Scholl, I suggest you report him to the local police and let them know that Scholl was part of a cyberbully attack on a young girl and the evidence is posted on his site plainly for anyone to read. I'd also suggest that they search him for automatic weapons and incendiary devices..."

    Why don't you find him yourself?

    We are Anonymous.
    We are Love.
    We will win.

  2. This is what you do on Christmas? You must have a wonderful family life. No wonder you are so mad at the internet.

  3. Remember Remember.

    January 1st 2010.

    The dossier of DeGrippo will be spread to free human kind.


  4. Sorry, I mean, 2011.

    Happy new year time.

    Remember. Because DeGrippo will.

  5. ^
    DeGrippo is a moron.

    Just wait. There's an army of people who would love to see that witch burn.


  6. If memory serves correctly this would be the 5th 'dossier' you've threatened to release and (assuming you release it) the 2nd you actually release.

    Let's not forget, the lastest one was a monument to poor English and was lacking in citations and any factual contents. This was why it was ignored, not just by reputable people, but by everyone too.

    My site gets five million original hits a day and makes me $1500 a week. Your blog is just a place where weepy faggots can whine that they are on my site. you know it gets you hard to have your name on my site. it makes you drool to be associated with me.

    I am a God over all men, niggers, whites, jews, and all. Worship me! I am Queen of the Internet!





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