"I can't push you into the fire...but I can certainly laugh at you while you're burning in the fire and not be required to help." --Sherrod Degrippo 

"Cyberbullying is about the pleasure of power tripping. The uniquely sadistic kind of pleasure taking power from defenseless victims brings. It's about violent self assertion."  
Sherrod DeGrippo--2005

"....Every little faggot that jumps off a bridge is another win for Darwin. Every emo wimp to snuff out it's life over an Internet joke is a human-sacrifice to the hungry Gods of Free Speech...." -Sherrod DeGrippo- 2010

"....I'm a bitch. But I'm also a genius and an Icon to be studied, emulated, and feared. Look at how perfect I am:

a Goddess.

I'm a god. MY website is a big fucking deal. Once you're on there, you're mine for life. Little Nikki Catsoursas will always have a special page where people can look at her mangled corpse and laugh." -Sherrod DeGrippo--2008

"I am Sherrod Ellen DeGrippo, and I am not afraid to state my Superiority. Aboriginals are the closest to Monkey we have among us, and I am as close to GOD as has ever existed.  Screw you all." -Sherrod DeGrippo-2010

"...We own the half-monkey in chief..."  ----- -- Sherrod DeGrippo 2010

"White Power was bestowed by nature. Look at me, then look at your average black cunt abo filthy paint huffing incestuous Aboriginal. Tell me that society put me where I am, and not Mother-Fucking Nature."   --Sherrod DeGrippo 2009

PO BOX 20267 Kalamazoo MI 49019-0267 is used as the mailing address for ClickBangPop, which sells ad space on Encyclopedia Dramatica, and is where DeGrippo would like donations to be sent to help pay for Encyclopedia Dramatica. The phone number, 773-572-8910 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              773-572-8910      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, is used by DeGrippo for contact information on Livejournal.

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